FAQs about Grants

FAQs about Grants

Six Seconds provides grants to support action research and academic research to identify and disseminate best practices. Some frequent questions about Grants:

 Who can get a grant?

Educators, Researchers, and Change Leaders for the use of our tools to assist in practical and academic research.

 What are the Criteria to respect?

We evaluate grant requests based on the following CRITERIA:

Social value: To what extent will the project create positive change in the world?

Awareness value: To what extent will this project help spread awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence and social emotional learning?

Research value: To what extent will this project advance Six Seconds’ scientific research goals?

Support: To what extent is this project supported by others (e.g., school or institution) to increase the likelihood of project effectiveness?

Need: How extensive are the project’s needs, and to what degree are we capable of meeting these needs?

 What does the Application Form ask?


  1. Project summary including the goal, the research question, the participants (who will be included and number)
  2. Study design (if for a research project) including hypothesis, intervention, pre and post assessments, study and control groups, etc.
  3. Need – ie, what are you requesting (number of assessments/tools, number of people needing certification, etc. Will you be paying for part of the cost or are you only able to do this project if all this need is met by Six Seconds?)
  4. Background including bullet point answers to the criteria above
  5. IRB and District approval for educational institutions and Organizational approval for business corporations.
 What does Six Seconds expect from Grantees?

As part of our grant process, we require Quarterly Reports and commitment to provide us with a final case study. We expect grantees will publish on the Six Seconds’ website and in journals, and will deliver a webinar or conference presentation highlighting your work and Six Seconds’ tools.

We evaluate grant requests monthly. Upon submitting a request you will receive confirmation that we have received your application. The Grant request will be then: approved – rejected – pending with need of integration within 30 days from application receipt.

 Who is responsible for approving Grants?

Our Research Committee is composed by:

Our Grant Approval sub-Committee is composed by:

Please contact Susan and Ilaria for any inquiry.

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