The Drivers and Pulse Points

The Drivers and Pulse Points


From The Vital Organization

Motivation is the source of energy to overcome challenges, pursue a goal, or maintain commitment.

Teamwork is collaborating to pursue a goal; it requires a sense of shared purpose and belonging.

Execution is the ability to efficiently achieve strategic results by effectively leveraging your resources.

Change is the readiness to innovate and adapt to succeed in a continuously evolving situation.

Trust is a feeling of confidence and faith that engenders a willingness to risk and facilitates success in the other drivers.



Team Goals

Pulse Points


People are energized from the inside because they are engaged, together, in work that matters.

Meaning: create the Why

Mastery: build on strengths

Autonomy: give ownership


from individual to team

Divergence: seek contrasting views

Connection: create common ground 

Joy: amplify emotional fuel



from rigid to agile execution.

Focus: narrow attention to essentials

Accountability: make results visible

Feedback: create continuous awareness



from managing to inspiring change.

Imagination: create emotions for innovation

Exploration: prototype & refine

Celebration: learn & appreciate



from demanding to earning trust. 

Transparency: share more truth

Coherence: walk the talk

Care: foster genuine connections