OVS Setup & Customization

OVS Setup & Customization

This article lists what you might want to collect from your client to setup the Organizational Vital Signs and make the most out of the tool.



URL to download the organization’s logo:


Special instructions for test takers:


(question and possible answers, recommend 6 or less answers per question):


Additional questions:
(open text or rating scale)



Survey online by:


Heads up announcement date:
(by whom?)


Survey announcement date:
(by whom?):


Survey Reminder/Extension:
(by whom?)


Survey close on:


Report needed by:


Debrief session(s) on:


Who should receive the report:



Example Demographic Items:

Which department are you in?  (Sales/Marketing, Ops/Plant, Admin/Support, SLT)

Where are you based?

What job classification do you hold?

What type of employee are you?

What’s your product / service focus area?

How do you identify racially? (Black, Latinx/Hispanic, Asian, Indigenous, White, Biracial or Multiracial, Not listed or prefer not to answer)

What gender identifier do you use? (Female; Male; Nonbinary, Fluid or Trans; Not listed or prefer not to answer)



Example Custom Items:

o   If you could tell the CEO one idea to improve the company, here’s your chance – what do you want to tell ___(name)? (open)

o   Which of our core values are we most successfully bringing to life in the organization? (list: loyalty, integrity, people, growth, value)

o   Which of our core values are we least successfully bringing to life in the organization: (list: loyalty, integrity, people, growth, value)

o   In regards to the previous question, what’s one way we could improve this? (open)

o   The national sales office effectively supports field reps (rating)

o   The sales reps effectively dialogue with office staff (rating)

o   The national office supports you to be successful (rating)

o   We are one organization with one shared mission (rating)

o   My direct supervisor lives up to the organization’s values (rating)

o   My direct supervisor consistently enforces policy (rating)

o   When we say ____ (slogan) here, we really mean it (rating)

o   As an organization, we are serious about our commitment to green business (rating)

o   Please give an example of why you gave the rating above (open)

o   I am appropriately included in decisions

o   I understand our current strategy/direction.

o   I agree with our current strategy/direction.