Tips for discussing UEQ yv

Tips for discussing UEQ yv

Before administering the UEQ YV, remember to gather the parent/guardian permission and informed consent according to the legislation of your country. Below is a sample letter to use:

 Parent Permission and Informed Consent Form Letter for SEI-YV Administration

Check the Privacy Law in your country for a better and safe delivery of the UEQ YV materials.

Also, here is a script to read aloud to the youth before starting the SEI-YV questionnaire.

The UEQ YV profile is a tool that will introduce youth to the world of emotional intelligence and help them set goals, improve relationships and navigate conflict. Here are some tips on how the tool can be used while sharing the profile with youth.

Remember. It can be useful to follow ENGAGE, ACTIVATE AND REFLECT phases.

Tips for ENGAGE

  • Choose the right setting (can be their room, a garden, a nice place. If you go virtual e.g. on zoom, maybe choose a background to start the conversation with fun)

  • Remind the youth, this is not a test, there are no scores here, no “good” or “bad” evaluation, just data… information… for reflection.

  • Use the emotional rating and ask: how are you feeling? (from 1 to 10 or please pick an emotion card to represent your feeling right now or can you draw your emotions?)

  • Ask what could mean for them ‘Being Smarter with Feelings’


  • Ask what is one goal they would love to achieve and why (in school, with friends, at home)

  • Explain Know Yourself - Choose Yourself - Give Yourself using the 3 powerful questions they can ask themselves every day when facing a choice/decision/challenge: how am I feeling? - what options do I have? What do I truly want/what is important to me?

  • Focus on the strengths.

  • Perhaps look at where they typically feel comfortable and/ or get stuck and if it aligns to the K,C,G profile (in relation to goals/ context of conversation)

  • Try to encourage specific examples, where possible.

  • Use some resources to activate the conversation: biodots, emotions cards, TFA cards.


Tips for REFLECT

  • Read the reflection questions together and share ideas

  • On the base of the goal shared, ask the youth to set up to 3 action steps to do in the next week

  • Encourage the youth to share some ideas with friends and parents  

  • Use the emotional rating again to see how emotions changed after the conversation. Check the biodot if they use it