How to Add Your Certification on LinkedIN

How to Add Your Certification on LinkedIN

To gain more benefit from your certification status, tell your professional community by adding your certification on LinkedIN.

Please ensure your certification status remains ACTIVE. Plus, we highly recommend you add yourself to the map so people can easily verify your status. When your LinkedIN profile says you’re certified, if someone checks the official record and you’re not there, that would undermine your credibility. By maintaining your Active status and appearing on the map, you add to your credibility.

  1. Go to your profile on LinkedIn by clicking your photo


  2. Click the + to add experience (or credential, see below)


  3. Fill in the form

    This form, under Experience, is great because you can add a description and upload a graphic such as your certified logo

Sample text:
Delivering world-class emotional intelligence methods and tools, I support my clients to be more effective at the people-side of performance. Six Seconds is the global community for emotional intelligence (EQ). Established in 1997 and now in 200 countries & territories, our vision is a billion people practicing EQ.


Alternately, you can add a credential lower down in your profile, which is more accurate… but in this section, you can’t add any description (as of Jan 2021)


Your “Credential URL” is your profile on https://cert.6seconds.org/