Types of Tools Accounts for Organizations

Types of Tools Accounts for Organizations

The tools.6seconds.org system offers 3 types of accounts:

Individual or “coach” accounts are the standard account, each us under a regional (and sometimes also an organizational) distributor.

Distributor accounts are for an organization managing multiple Assessors under the entity. Individual accounts can be placed under an organizational distributor.

Referent = person who manages the distributor account [must be certified in the tools because this person has access to reports, projects]


For companies, we suggest one of these 3 structures

Account manger(s)

Simple structure with a person responsible for managing assessment projects

Assign one person or team to be responsible for all assessments. You can use a company email alias such as eqtools@bigcompany.com and your account manager(s) log in with this.

Pros: Simple. Easy to control use and costs. Easy for Individual Assessors. In the event of staff turnover, relatively easy to manage.

Cons: Added responsibility for the Account Manager(s); individual Assessors can not manage or access their reports. Account Manager has visibility to all reports.


Shared pool

Intermediate structure where several Assessors share the organization’s credits

Request an organizational account and all your certified members become “referents” in this account.

Pros: Each certified can have autonomy to manage projects; can help one another; easier than option below. In the event of staff turnover, easy to manage.

Cons: Poor cost-control since all can request and use credits. Low Confidentiality: any referent can view all reports in this organization.



Hierarchal structure where certified Assessors are under the organization’s management

Request an organizational account with 1 or a few “referents” to manage the account.

Request that each certified member in the company be set so to have the organization as distributor, creating a hierarchal structure, shown below. Note: “free projects” must be approved by Regional Referent(s).

Pros: Optimal cost control since all requests go to referent(s). Higher confidentiality since individual certified can only view their own reports. Autonomy for individual assessors to manage their projects.

Cons: Increased complexity. The org referent must respond to credit requests in a timely way. In the event of staff turnover, some added complexity.

Visualization of Distributor model: