Educational Vital Signs (EVS)

Educational Vital Signs (EVS)

EVS is a survey that measures the "school climate". It provides feedback from different constituents about how it feels to be in the school. It measures the drivers and performance outcomes at a specific point in time, providing useful insight to develop a social emotional learning strategy to improve the positive impact of the learning experience. 

EVS is a Model and a tool part of our Education Vital Signs Program

It is based on a School Climate Survey which releases results on 5 Drivers (Trust, Commitment, Growth, Connection and Accountability) and 4 Outcomes (Learning, Safety, Involvement and Thriving).

The PROCESS to Administer the Survey follows EAR phases:


Project setup: collecting data, school name, number of classes, stakeholders involved (students, teachers, staff, principal ...)

Engage school stakeholders: preparation meetings, calls

Communication about timing: open period to take the survey: on average 2 weeks plus 1 week extension



Introduce survey to school stakeholders

Instructions on what to tell

Send reminders



Introduce Findings and Results


Tips on discussing results (with whom, what, when)

If you are interested in taking the EVS Program and you need more info, please contact Six Seconds:

Middle East, India & Africa: Lize Rech, lize.rech@seconds.org

Asia Pacific: Sue McNamara  sue@6seconds.org 

North America: May Duong may.duong@6seconds.org 

Europe: Ilaria Boffa ilaria.boffa@6seconds.org 

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