


We would like to leave you with three key points about this report:

It’s Data

The SEI 360° is intended to provide feedback, data, for you to consider. This data isn’t “Truth,” it isn’t you in all situations. Many people find this data to be valuable, but its usefulness depends on many factors (such as how well your raters know you, and how accurate you and they are when providing the feedback), and how open you are to learning from this experience.

It’s Powerful

Based on research and experience, the competencies in the Six Seconds Model are important for work and life success; they are linked to relationship quality, personal effectiveness, health, and life satisfaction. So please think over these results and consider how they are borne out in your day-to-day life. By developing and leveraging the EQ competencies you can make significant positive change.

It’s Up to You

Your current Emotional Performance is not permanent. Again, from research and experience, we know that all the competencies in Six Seconds Model are learnable. So if there is any aspect of your Emotional Performance that you want to change, you can! Talk through this data with the coach who administered the SEI 360 and use the action planning tools above. Further reading and additional tools are available on www.6seconds.org.

Congratulations on your decision to explore your emotional performance — may it enrich your life per- sonally and professionally.

- The Six Seconds’ Team

Joshua Freedman, Massimiliano Ghini, Anabel Jensen

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