Using the SEI 360

Using the SEI 360

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to integrate reason and emotion to make effective decisions. Emo- tional intelligence, sometimes abbreviated “EQ” for “emotional quotient,” describes an internal capacity rather than a set of behaviors. Just as someone who is strong in mathematical intelligence may or may not do math problems, someone strong in EQ may or may not use the skills. Emotional Performance (EP) is a way of describing the behaviors. Someone with strong EP is utilizing their emotional intelligence and putting it into practice.

The SEI 360° provides feedback about your Emotional Performance from two points of view: your self- evaluation and others’ evaluations. This report will show you how you see yourself using your EQ skills, and how others perceive you.

The items on the SEI 360° asked you to reflect on your own behaviors. The tool also asked your colleagues for their perceptions. The goal is to help you see how you are demonstrating your skills to others – how you are “coming across.”

Your ability to use EQ is revealed in what you say and do on a daily basis. People who interact with you regularly are an excellent source of information on your behavior. If you rely solely on one person who knows you well for feedback, it tends to be biased. When a group of people are asked what they observe you say and do, trends emerge that reveal evidence of your true Emotional Performance.

Interpreting the Graphs

This is an example of a chart of one competence:

The first bar represents your view; the second bar shows the opinion of others who rated you. On the “Others” bar you’ll see a diamond – this is a performance target calculated from the SEI database. If the target is white, it may be a development area; if it is green, this may be a strength you can leverage.

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