EQ In Action

EQ In Action

The SEI 360° is based on the Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Model. This model of EQ-in-Action begins with three important pursuits: to become more aware (noticing what you do), more intentional (doing what you mean), and more purposeful (doing it for a reason).

Know Yourself

Clearly seeing what you feel and do.

Emotions are data, and these competencies al- low you to accurately collect that information.

Choose Yourself

Doing what you mean to do.

Instead of reacting “on autopilot,” these competencies allow you to proactively respond.

Give Yourself

Doing it for a reason.

These competencies help you put your vision and mission into action so you lead with purpose and full integrity.

Know Yourself gives you the “what” – when you Know Yourself, you know your strengths and challenges, you know what you are doing, what you want, and what to change.

Choose Yourself provides the “how” – it shows you how to take action, how to influence yourself and others, how to “operationalize” these concepts.

Give Yourself delivers the “why” – when you Give Yourself you are clear and full of energy so that you stay focused and know why to respond a certain way, why to move in a new direction, and why others should come on board.

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