Spiritual Emotional Intelligence (SEQ)

Spiritual Emotional Intelligence (SEQ)

The value of the tools in the Spiritual Emotional Intelligence toolset


SEQ is considered by many to be the missing link between Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence. Uniquely, blending the two allows for deep integration as the spiritual and emotional intelligences support each other in the development of human beings. Building upon the time-tested data validation of the SEI (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence) assessment, the SEQ adds the spiritual component to allow for measurement of connection at the personal, close community, and world levels. This unique measurement and action steps for development provide a platform for living a full and meaningful life through Awareness, Belonging, and Insight.


Certified Spiritual Emotional Intelligence Assessors progress through a transformational journey of their own as a foundation for using the Spiritual Emotional Intelligence Profile (1-page report) and the Spiritual Emotional Intelligence Development Report (27 pages) with their clients. The SEQ assessment is a normed, validated measure of Spiritual Emotional Intelligence built on the SEI platform.


There are no prerequisites for the SEQ Certification, however Six Seconds Certified EQ Assessors may find the SEQ Development Report similar to the SEI Leadership Report, with the addition of the spiritual component. This familiarity with the SEI can be a helpful adjunct to your assessment toolbox. 

The Certification is approved for Continuing Coach Education hours by the International Coach Federation (ICF): 12 hours Core Competencies and 8 hours Resource Development.


Benefits of SEQ Certification

  • Transformational insights. Illuminate the essentials that support profound connection.

  • Actionable growth. Design a path that invites clients to grow from the inside out.

  • Nourish your spark. As you learn to use the SEQ with others, you'll also deepen your own connections.

  • Earn 12 ACE units toward maintaining your Six Seconds Certification.

  • Earn Continuing Coach Education hours for your ICF.



What is this ideally used for? The two different reports in the SEQ toolset are available for use with various applications:


SEQ Profile

  • A level A report that does not require a debrief but is accompanied by its own interpretation guide. 

  • Can be used in group settings, individually, or as an introduction before using the SEQ Development Report.

  • The SEQ Profile costs 15 credits in the Six Seconds tools account.

  • The SEQ Profile and SEQ model were designed by Spirit of EQ in conjunction with Six Seconds in 2017.

Sample Report


SEQ Development Report

  • A level B report that does require a debrief in order to assure no harm from the misinterpretation of results by the client. 

  • Can be used to deepen the Emotional Intelligence journey by adding the spiritual component to supercharge the concepts of purpose and passion to create a full and meaningful life.

  • This report can be used in coaching or spiritual direction to create awareness of a client’s current situation and the ability to create a path forward, either toward new goals in coaching or toward more connection with the client’s spirit through Spiritual Direction

  • The SEQ Development Report costs 40 credits in the Six Seconds tools account.

  • The SEQ Development Report was created as a collaboration between Six Seconds Preferred Partners Spirit of EQ and Potentiality and is powered by the Six Seconds SEI Assessment. The SEQ Development Report was launched in 2023.

Sample Report