Adding Raters to SEI 360 or LVS Project

Adding Raters to SEI 360 or LVS Project

In this article, you will learn how to add raters to a SEI 360 or LVS project.


After creating a project,

  1. Return to your project list and click on the project you would like to add raters to.

  2. click on “Raters” from the button on the home tab or from the tabs above.

  3. Select, “Edit” on each participant to add each rater manually or

  4. Click “Load from spreadsheet” to add all raters to the project at once.


  5. If you have already organized the data in a spreadsheet, you can rearange the columns in the order that you have saved the data. Then, copy and past from your spreadsheet into the box provided.

  6. You can also download a template from this page to help organize all of your raters before pasting them into the box provided.

    Here is some useful info about defining your columns.

Please do not include the header when copying from your spreadsheet.

You can also preview the raters before saving them.

Thats it!