Tools Update in June 2017

Tools Update in June 2017

There were many fixes released today in an update of tools.6seconds.org including:

Corrections to Turkish, Arabic, Spanish, German & Czech Leadership Reports

Corrections to Czech Profiles

Corrections to French & German SEI Questionnaires

In the system, Latin American Spanish version is now referred to as "Spanish (LAC)" for "Latin America & Caribbean"

Beta version of French Profiles created now in testing process

Beta version of the new "EVS Mini" classroom climate tool now in testing process

Development of new "help text" system to be able to add tips for using the Tools system in multiple languages

Upgrades to security systems to use current new "TLS 1.2" standards

Upgrades to the account management system in preparation for launch of new "single sign on" implementation to improve security and convenience


Reminder, for technical assistance with Tools, please email help@6seconds.org