Extracted from the Six Seconds Model, the Profiles use a simplified model that matches the key elements of emotional intelligence: Accurately utilizing rational+emotional data to make good decisions to drive effective results. Thus, the model includes three scales:
Focus, Decisions, and Drive. Rather than examining behavior, the tool focuses on patterns of processing, creating a style that underlies behavior.
Focus: Does this person's brain prefer data that is analytical or emotional?
Decisions: Does this person's brain tend to protect or innovate?
Drive: Is this person's brain usually motivated by the practical or the idealistic?
In the Brain Brief Profile, these three scales are scored to identify eight “Brain Styles” that each offer important strengths and weaknesses. The Brain Talent and Brain Discovery Profiles link "talents," or behavior skills, to the three scales. The Talents were extracted from an in-depth analysis of Six Seconds' SEI360 tool by coding comments about high performers regarding, "What does this person do well that s/he should continue to do." For a more detailed explanation of this process, see the article, "Talking About Great Leaders."