The SEI-AV (Adult Version) results are presented in a detailed report setting the context and outlining the meaning and opportunity in the results. A summary graph includes scores on the three “Pursuits” and each competency such as this:
There are several different SEI reports available for different uses. Please request a sample report from
SR: The Strengths Report summarizes the test-takers’ top three emotional intelligence strengths providing feedback on how to apply and use these strengths. The SR is suited to situations when no debrief is possible, introductory audiences, audiences in particularly challenging circumstances, or for strengths-based coaching.
DR: The Development Report provides reporting on the full Six Seconds Model including interpretations and considerations of the effects of each scale. The DR includes strategies for developing or leveraging EQ competencies. It is suitable for general audiences when a debrief is provided.
LR: The Leadership Report provides an executive summary followed by a full profile of the full model including interpretations of each score in the context of an organizational leadership position. The LR provides general information on increasing EQ competence and a “snapshot” of leadership performance tied to each score on each competency. It is intended for those in a leadership/management role who are also receiving a debrief from a qualified SEI Assessor.
LDG: The Leader’s Development Guide is a dynamic workbook created based on SEI scores. It reviews SEI results and guides the test-taker to work through his results in the context of important work and life goals to identify key areas to leverage and strengthen. Then it provides specific development strategies geared to the score level for each area. The LDG is intended as a “part two” follow-up to the LR.
GR: The Group Report provides histograms and summaries of scores from individuals within a group. It is usually used to prepare for development programs or for coaching a team leader.
CGR: The Comparison Group Report shows histograms and statistical summaries of multiple groups. It is usually used to show pre- and post-intervention comparisons, or to compare two or more teams.
SEI Profiles & Additional Versions
In addition to the full reports, the SEI system can also produce brief “Profiles” – for more information see for details, including a separate technical manual.
BBP: Brain Brief Profile is a 1-page snapshot of how the individual’s brain prefers to process emotional and cognitive data.
BTP: Brain Talent Profile is a 1-page synthesis of the individuals top scores on key “competencies for the future,” including interpersonal, problem-solving, and decision-making related capabilities.
BDP: In one page, The Brain Discovery Profile offers the client an overall picture about Brain Style plus highest and lowest scoring Brain Talents + Outcomes.
DASHBOARD: 1-page summary of a group showing the link from EQ & Brain Style to Talents and then to Performance.
Administration of the SEI creates a data page for use by the SEI Assessor/administrator.
The data sheet is not intended for the test taker; it includes a graphical summary of the profile, numerical scores about EQ Competencies and the outcome model composed by 4 success factors + 8 Pulses, and scores on the SEI’s correction and reliability scales.
The graphic shows the success factors and “pulse points” (see SEI & Success).