Extracted from the Six Seconds Model, the Profiles use a simplified model that matches the key elements of emotional intelligence: Accurately utilizing rational+emotional data to make good decisions to drive effective results. Thus, the model includes three scales:
Focus, Decisions, and Drive. Rather than examining behavior, the tool focuses on patterns of processing data, assessing, and motivating... which together identify a style that underlies behavior. Focus: Does this person's brain prefer data that is analytical or emotional? Decisions: Does this person's brain tend to protect or innovate? Drive: Is this person's brain usually motivated by the practical or the idealistic? In the Brain Brief Profile, these three scales are scored to identify eight “Brain Styles” that each offer important strengths and weaknesses. The Brain Talent and Brain Discovery Profiles link "talents," or behavior skills, to the three scales. The Talents were extracted from an in-depth analysis of Six Seconds' SEI360 tool by coding comments about high performers regarding, "What does this person do well that s/he should continue to do." For a more detailed explanation of this process, see the article, "Talking About Great Leaders." HierarchyConceptually, the Brain Styles and Brain Talents are non-hierarchal; there are pros and cons of each Brain Style and Brain Talent. For this reason, in October 2015, the term "Superhero" was replaced with "Energizer" as users reported a perception that "Superhero" was the "best" style given the implication of special powers. For different roles, and in different situations, some styles and talents will be more ideally suited. From a theoretical perspective, the goal is an alignment between these assets and what a person is doing in their life. Brain StylesMost people will score somewhere on the continuum of each scale. To simply the taxonomy, the eight Brain Styles are derived from the extreme positions of the three scales. However, most people will develop a blend of styles. Theoretically, Brain Styles will change over time and may be situational; they reflect the way someone's brain has learned to operate, and people may operate in different ways depending on context. Due to neuroplasticity, and our research that EQ is learnable, we know people will develop new approaches over time. The eight Brain Styles are explained in some detail in the free Brain Brief Interpretation Guide; the URL to the guide appears on each BBP, in English: http://6sec.org/bbigint; excerpted from there, here is a summary of the styles: The Eight Styles These eight styles describe people who are “fully” in one Brain Style. You are probably a blend of two or three – and you may have different styles at different times. Scientist: Accurate, Careful, Precise. | | | | Visionary: Passionate, Transformative,Long term. | Inventor: Analytical, Creative, Open. | | | | Guardian: Caring, Careful, Pragmatic. | Strategist: Precise, Careful, Future-oriented. | | | | Energizer: Committed, Creative, Real-world. | Deliverer: Task-oriented, Generative, Practical. | | | | Sage: Caring, Protective, Lofty. |
Brain TalentsThe Brain Talents are organized in the same structure as Brain Style; eg, there are three Brain Talents particularly linked to the Rational side of Focus, and three on the Emotional side. The structure is shown in these graphics:
"App" MetaphorWe use the metaphor of a smartphone application, or App, when describing the Talents. On our phones, we may have certain frequently-used apps on the first screen, and other apps are present but less-used. In this metaphor, "Downloading a Brain App" means learning and actively using one of the Brain Talents. For this reason, the graphical representations, above, are designed to look like smartphone apps. Talent DefinitionTalents are a way of utilizing, or expressing, the Brain Style. While Talents are not the same as behavior (ie, a person might have a Talent but not utilize it), the Talents are more closely linked with action. The Talents are described in some detail in the free publication, The Brain Talent Interpretation Guide; a URL for this guide is included on each Brain Talent Profile. For example, the English guide is at http://6sec.org/btigint – the Talents are defined in this excerpt: The 18 AppsThe competencies are organized around the three Brain Style scales, creating six clusters: Focus on Quantitative Data | | Focus on People & Emotional Data | App | Features of the App | | App | Features of the App | Data Mining | Filtering to assess key information | | Connection | Sensing & mirroring others’ emotions. | Modeling | Mapping out logical possibilities. | | Emotional Insight | Understanding people and human dynamics. | Prioritizing | Seeing and sorting possible paths. | | Collaboration | Creating harmony between people. | | | | | | Decisions to Reduce Risk | | Decisions to Increase Opportunity | Reflection | Pausing to assess. | | Resilience | Bouncing ahead. | Adaptability | Accepting multiple perspectives. | | Risk Tolerance | Accepting the unknown potential. | Critical Thinking | Evaluating, assessing, and planning. | | Imagination | Seeing the unknown. | | | | | | Drive for Present or Practical | | Drive for Future or Idealistic | Proactivity | Acting based on internal drive. | | Vision | Seeing the long-term meaning. | Commitment | Maintaining attention on what is important. | | Design | Expanding attention to create new potential. | Problem Solving | Inventing solutions to meet present needs. | | Entrepreneurship | Inventing solutions to future challenges. |
Learnable, EQ-linked StrengthsIn some definitions, a "Talent" is something innate and immutable; in our conceptualization, the Brain Talents are learned and learnable. The Talents are not a definition of emotional intelligence, but they are a way to USE emotional intelligence and develop EQ. For example, the Talent of "Connection" draws on the emotional intelligence competency of Empathy – and by exercising the Talent, one will likely increase their strength in Empathy. A metaphorical parallel: Most IQ tests include a mathematical IQ task related to spatial reasoning (eg, with three pictures of squares in various arrangements, the test might ask, "Which one of these diagrams could be folded to form a cube?"). If someone were to practice a "Talent" of 3-d drawing, they would be utilizing, and presumably strengthening, this aspect of mathematical intelligence. ComplexityThe Talents within each cluster of three represent three levels of complexity. For example, within Emotional Focus: 1: Connection - the definition of this Talent involves GATHERING DATA about people and emotions 2: Emotional Insight - this definition involves PROCESSING DATA and making meaning from that data 3: Collaboration - this definition reflects APPLYING DATA to facilitate results with others In a similar way, each cluster of three begins with a core process connected to that cluster, then increases complexity toward meaning, then increases complexity toward facilitation of results with others.