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Whether you've completed our full ICF accredited EQ Coach Certification... or if you're a coach who's earned EQPC, AC, or another Six Seconds' cert... or even if you're not a certified coach, but someone who wants to use the skills of coaching... how can you jump into action with your Six Seconds' tools?

Make the Invisible, Visible

Use the Brain Profiles, full SEI, or Vital Signs tools to help your client "look beneath the waterline." These tools are not designed to be The Source of All Truth... they are designed to provide a valuable perspective. A piece of the truth. So present them as such: "How would you like to get some powerful data to help you understand yourself better from the perspective of emotional intelligence?"


Vital Signs – explore the VS Toolkit here, and be sure to see the Vital Signs articles & case studies.

Bring the Inside to the Outside

Many of Six Seconds' techniques follow a simple process. Rather than asking people who have difficulty talking accurately & clearly about feelings, we ask them to symbolically represent that, then to talk about the symbol. This is how many of our most popular products work, such as emotIcons and eMotion Cards. You can also use a paper and pen or other "around the office" materials:


In group coaching, this is also a powerful way of helping people to see that there are multiple perspectives. Do the multiple perspectives align? Are the symbols similar, different?

Check Back Soon

We'll add more tips and links here!