- After you've logged into https://tools.6seconds.org and clicked the SEI tab... Find your client or project by either
a) click on the number of test-takers in a project:
b) on the menu, select Reports to view all the test-takers in your account: - checkmark the test-taker(s) name(s)
scroll down and select your desired language and report... and click "Add report to selected."
Optionally... tick-mark "Email to Test Taker" if you would like the report emailed to the test-taker:
Info title Note There is not charge for re-adding an existing report (in the same or a new language). When you add a new report, or multiple reports, the system will tell you how many credits you will be charged. If you do not have enough credits, you will need to order credits first.
Once you've added a report, the page will refresh, and you'll see the icon of the report next to the person's name, and you can click . Click the icon to download their open the report (sthen you can save/download it).
Here's a brief video of the steps