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Certification from Six Seconds represents a level of expertise and commitment to a unique and powerful methodology. As a Six Seconds Certified Assessor, Practitioner, Educator, Coach or Trainer, you've undertaken in-depth training and demonstrated competence through a rigorous post-course practicum.

The Value of a Six Seconds Certification

We are a community working toward a billion people practicing emotional intelligence. Active certification status demonstrates that you are committed to being a pillar of this community and being part of making that vision come to life. In addition to demonstrating that you are active, maintaining your certification shows you are up-to-date on the latest research and practice of emotional intelligence. There are many organizations that offer various certifications... why Six Seconds?

  1. Current science. We continuously conduct and harvest research to fill the gap between science and practice. This helps our practitioners be both effective and credible.

  2. Transformational methods. Six Seconds shares what works. This methodology has been developed over 50 years starting with the Self-Science program, which Daniel Goleman described in Emotional Intelligence as one of two model programs for teaching EQ... and over the last 20 years growing into best-selling books, numerous training programs , powerful assessments, all backed by proven models & a robust methodology. We have an extensive archive on with content that's freely available to practitioners who join the library. It means practitioners have an extensive array of resources to bring to bear in their workand  powerful assessments.

  3. Continuous growth. Through Accredited Continuing Education (ACE), our practitioners are engaged in continuous learning to maintain their growing edge. We have dozens of free and paid opportunities to improve. And, after certification, alumni are invited to re-attend the same course for costs-only to go deeper in the pursuit of mastery.

  4. Global community. Through an extensive online presence (including well over 100,000 followers), 5,000 visitors per day on our website, conferences, webinars, EQ Cafés in 100s of cities... our members are part of something big and growing. This gives practitioners the competitive advantage of saying, "I'm part of an organization working in over 125 countries" – and the incredible emotional energy of being part of this work.

  5. Noble Goals. There are many models of emotional intelligence, no others focus on this essential question: Why? Six Seconds' work isn't just about developing skills. It's about building insight, connection, and purpose. It's central to our model, it's core to our philosophy, it's why we're a nonprofit, and it's something we make real through our grants, large network of volunteers, and our shared projects such as .

So, if you're already certified – stay active! And, if you're not, it's time to join one of our many powerful certification trainings, from introductory Essentials through to world-class expertise in Master Class.

Managing Your Certification

Below are several How To articles about managing your certification, including:

How to Check Your Certification Record

How to Renew Your Certification & Get ACE Units

Chart of ways to earn ACE Units

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Manejando tu Certificación

La certificación de Six Seconds representa un nivel de experiencia y compromiso con una metodología única y poderosa. Sea como Asesor Certificado de Six Seconds, Practicante, Educador, Entrenador o Coach poseerla demuestra que se ha obtenido a través de un entrenamiento profundo en donde ha demostrado su competencia a través de un riguroso post-entrenamiento.

El Valor de la Certificación de Six Seconds

Somos una comunidad trabajando para lograr que un billón de personas practiquen la inteligencia emocional. Al poseer una certificación activa, usted está comprometido a ser un pilar de esta comunidad y ser parte de nuestra visión. Además de demostrar que usted está activamente participando, el mantener su certificación muestra que está al día en las últimas investigaciones y la práctica de la inteligencia emocional. Hay muchas organizaciones que ofrecen varias certificaciones ... ¿pero qué hace tan especial a Six Seconds?

  1. Ciencia Actual. Continuamente realizamos y promovemos investigaciones que nos permiten hacer más corta la brecha entre la ciencia y la práctica. Esto ayuda a nuestros practicantes a ser eficaces y creíbles.

  2. Métodos Transformativos. Six Seconds comparte lo que funciona. Esta metodología se ha desarrollado a lo largo de 50 años a partir del programa de Self Sciend (Auto-Ciencia) que Daniel Goleman describió en su libro Inteligencia Emocional como uno de los dos programas modelo para la enseñanza de inteligencia emocional ... y en los últimos 20 años se ha reforzado mediante libros más vendidos, programas, evaluaciones poderosas, todo respaldado por modelos comprobados y una metodología robusta. Tenemos un extenso archivo en con contenido que está disponible de manera gratuita para los profesionales que se unen a la biblioteca. Esto quiere decir que que los practicantes tienen una amplia gama de recursos para llevar a cabo en su trabajo de forma óptima.

  3. Crecimiento Continuo. A través de la Educación Continua Acreditada (ACE), nuestros profesionales están comprometidos en el aprendizaje continuo para mantener su creciente ventaja sobre otras herramientas. Ofrecemos numerosas oportunidades gratuitas y remuneradas para mejorar. Y, después de la certificación, los antiguos alumnos están invitados a volver a asistir al mismo curso cubriendo solo los costos, si es que desean profundizar y/o volverse expertos en la materia. 

  4. Comunidad Global. A través de una extensa presencia en línea (incluyendo más de 100.000 seguidores), 5.000 visitantes por día en nuestro sitio web, conferencias, webinars, EQ Cafés en cientos de ciudades ... nuestros miembros son parte una gran comunidad que crece día a día. Esto da a los profesionales la ventaja competitiva de ser parte de una organización que trabaja en más de 125 países - y la increíble energía emocional que se deriva de ser parte de este trabajo.

  5. Metas Nobles. Si bien es cierto existenmuchos modelos de inteligencia emocional, no todos se centran en esta pregunta esencial: ¿Por qué? El trabajo de Six Seconds no es acerca sólo de desarrollo de habilidades. Se trata de crear visión, conexión y propósito. Estos componentes son fundamentales para nuestro modelo, fundamentales para nuestra filosofía y es por eso que somos una organización sin fines de lucro, pues es algo que hacemos realidad a través de nuestras subvenciones, una gran red de voluntarios y nuestros proyectos compartidos como .

Por lo tanto, si ya estás certificado, ¡mantente activo! Y, si no lo estás, es hora de unirse a uno de nuestros muchos entrenamientos de certificación de gran alcance, empezando por el Essentials de introducción hasta una experiencia avanzada de clase mundial en Master Class.

Manejando la Certificación

En esta lista hemos incluido algunos artículos acerca de cómo manejar tu certificación:

Como Verificar el Estado de tu Certificación

Cómo Renovar tu Certificación

Cuadro Explicativo: Diferentes Maneras de Obtener Unidades ACE

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Gestire la tua Certificazione

La Certificazione Six Seconds attesta un livello di competenza e impegno frutto di una metodologia distintiva ed efficace. Come Six Seconds Assessor, Practitioner, Educator, Coach o Trainer, hai svolto un dettagliato training e dimostrato competenze attraverso un rigoroso post-corso orientato alla pratica.

Il valore della Certificazione Six Seconds

Siamo una community che lavora per portare 1 miliardo di persone a praticare l'Intelligenza Emotiva. La stato ATTIVO della Certificazione dimostra che ti sei impegnato per essere un pilastro di questa community e parte di coloro che rendono viva questa mission. Per dimostrare che sei attivo, mantieni la tua Certificazione aggiornata attraverso lo studio delle ultime ricerche nel campo IE e la pratica di nuovi esercizi. Ci sono molte organizzazioni che offrono certificazioni...perché scegliere Six Seconds:

  1. Basi Scientifiche in continuo aggiornamento. Portiamo continuamente avanti la ricerca scientifica e raccogliamo informazioni per ridurre il gap tra teoria e pratica. Ciò rende i nostri praticanti credibili ed efficaci.

  2. Metodi trasformazionali. Six Seconds condivide ciò che produce. Questa metodologia è stata scoperta da più di cinquant'anni, a partire dal Self Science Program che Daniel Goleman, in Emotional Intelligence, descrisse come uno dei due metodi di insegnamento dell'EQ più efficaci al mondo....e da più di vent'anni questo metodo ha dato origine a best-seller, programmi di training e potenti riflessioni, tutti supportati da modelli certificati e solide metodologie. Su sono presenti archivi con contenuti disponibili gratuitamente da praticanti che vogliono consultarli. Ciò permette di avere a disposizione un'ampia varietà di risorse per supportare il proprio lavoro.

  3. Crescita continua. Attraverso gli Accredited Continuing Education (ACE), i nostri praticanti vengono periodicamente coinvolti per mantenere la loro crescita costante. Per poter crescere abbiamo a disposizione dozzine di opportunità, gratuite o a pagamento. E dopo la Certificazione, gli ex-alunni sono invitati a partecipare nuovamente agli stessi corsi, a costo ridotto, per approfondire le competenza di ricerca.

  4. Global community. Mediante un'estesa presenza sul web (che comprende anche più di 100 mila follower), 5 mila visitatori del sito al giorno, conferenze, webinar, EQ Cafè in centinaia di città....i nostri membri sono parte di un qualcosa di grande e in evoluzione. I nostri praticanti possono affermare di far parte di un'organizzazione che opera in più di 125 Paesi. Essere parte di un progetto come questo accresce l'energia emotiva del pianeta.

  5. Obiettivi nobili. Esistono diversi modelli di Intelligenza Emotiva, ma nessuno altro, a differenza del nostro, si focalizza su una delle questioni essenziali: perchè? Il lavoro di Six Seconds non riguarda solamente lo sviluppo delle skill, ma costruisce conoscenza, connessione e obiettivi. Ciò costituisce la centralità del nostro modello e il cuore della nostra filosofia, nonché il motivo per cui siamo un'organizazzione non profit.

Se sei certificato, rimani attivo! Se non lo sei, è arrivato il momento di iscriverti ad uno dei nostri Percorsi di Certificazione.

Mediante i link qui sotto, potrai consultare altri articoli per gestire la tua certificazione:


Come controllare la tua Certificazione

Come rinnovare la tua Certificazione

Come ottenere crediti Ace

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Managing your certification


Certification from Six Seconds represents a level of expertise and commitment to a unique and powerful methodology. As a Six Seconds Certified Assessor, Practitioner, Educator, Coach or Trainer, you've undertaken in-depth training and demonstrated competence through a rigorous post-course practicum.


The Value of a Six Seconds Certification


We are a community working toward a billion people practicing emotional intelligence. Active certification status demonstrates that you are committed to being a pillar of this community and being part of making that vision come to life. In addition to demonstrating that you are active, maintaining your certification shows you are up-to-date on the latest research and practice of emotional intelligence. There are many organizations that offer various certifications... why Six Seconds?


1Current science.We continuously conduct and harvest research to fill the gap between science and practice. This helps our practitioners be both effective and credible.


2. Transformational Six Seconds shares what works. This methodology has been developed over 50 years starting with the Self-Science program, which Daniel Goleman described in Emotional Intelligence as one of two model programs for teaching EQ... and over the last 20 years growing into best-selling books, numerous training programs, powerful assessments, all backed by proven models & a robust methodology. We have an extensive archive on with content that's freely available to practitioners who join the library. It means practitioners have an extensive array of resources to bring to bear in their work.


3. Continuous growth.Through Accredited Continuing Education (ACE), our practitioners are engaged in continuous learning to maintain their growing edge. We have dozens of free and paid opportunities to improve. And, after certification, alumni are invited to re-attend the same course for costs-only to go deeper in the pursuit of mastery.


4. Global community.Through an extensive online presence (including well over 100,000 followers), 5,000 visitors per day on our website, conferences, webinars, EQ Cafés in 100s of cities... our members are part of something big and growing. This gives practitioners the competitive advantage of saying, "I'm part of an organization working in over 125 countries" – and the incredible emotional energy of being part of this work.


5. Noble Goals.There are many models of emotional intelligence, no others focus on this essential question: Why? Six Seconds' work isn't just about developing skills. It's about building insight, connection, and purpose. It's central to our model, it's core to our philosophy, it's why we're a nonprofit, and it's something we make real through our grants, large network of volunteers, and our shared projects such as .

超我目世界上有许多情商模型,但是没有任何一个模型关注这个重要的问题:为什么?6秒钟的工作不仅仅是帮助人们发展情商技能,我们还致力于提升洞察力、建立连接和意义感。这是我们模型的基础,是我们理念的核心,是我们为什么是一个非营利组织的原因,也是我们通过资助、庞大的志愿者网络和我们的共享项目(如 )所实现的目标。

So, if you're already certified – stay active! And, if you're not, it's time to join one of our many powerful certification trainings, from introductory Essentials through to world-class expertise in Master Class.


Managing Your Certification


Below are several How To articles about managing your certification, including:


How to Check Your Certification Record


How to Renew Your Certification


Chart of ways to earn ACE Units

